Press reports as news

Söder promises millions for DENKWELT in Weiden

Make one out of two: The prime minister doubles the amount he wants to liberate for the new research offensive. This also benefits the Oberpfalz.

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Press release: DENKWELT Upper Palatinate placed in high-tech agenda Bavaria

Prime Minister Söder: Regional projects can start

The DENKWELT Upper Palatinate (DWO) benefits from the research and innovation initiative of the Free State of Bavaria. Markus Söder explains that the DWO is one of seven regional projects to be funded by the state government’s rehabilitation and acceleration program with a total of 150 million euros over the next four years.

The DWO is an infrastructure project of the Lars and Christian Engel (LUCE) Foundation. On an approximately 20-hectare site in Halmesricht near Weiden, an innovative location will emerge where educational and research facilities as well as businesses will network to address all the issues involved in digital transformation.

The Center for Artificial Intelligence, which is currently being set up in the Science Park C4 Weiherhammer in cooperation with, among others, the OTH Amberg-Weiden, is part of the DWO, as is the Future Lab, which is funded by the Bayern Digital II master plan. Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer, CEO of the Lars and Christian Engel Foundation, is pleased about the positive signal from Munich: “With the support of Finance Minister Albert Füracker and the deputy dr. Stephan Oetzinger and Tobias Reiß have succeeded in making our region more sustainable and strengthening the countryside. ”

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Press release: “The DENKWELT Upper Palatinate has a model character”

Secretary of State Roland Weigert visits the Science Park C4 in Weiherhammer

At the invitation of Dr. Stephan Oetzinger MdL was Roland Weigert MdL, State Secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Development and Energy, in the Science Park C4 in Weiherhammer to visit the project DENKWELT Upper Palatinate (DWO). He was assisted by staff from his ministry and fortiss, the research institute for software-intensive systems and services of the Free State of Bavaria.

Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer, CEO of the Lars and Christian Engel (LUCE) Foundation and Managing Director of the Überbetrieblichen Bildungszentrum in Ostbayern (ÜBZO), explained the foundation’s goal to further develop the Upper Palatinate into a knowledge region and presented the milestones that are part of DWO’s future vision The Network in the Educational Campus Science Park C4, the Überbetriebliche Bildungszentrum in Ostbayern (ÜBZO) gGmbH, the planned Center for Artificial Intelligence and finally the DENKWELT, located in Halmesricht – as a place of life, research and work.

State Secretary Weigert was impressed by the plans: “The DENKWELT Upper Palatinate has a model character”. He agreed to talk to the country planning office in his home. Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer thanked the political supporters – also for the 2.5 million euros that have already been pledged for the DENKWELT Master Plan Bavaria Digital II. “If Prime Minister Söder’s announced big boost for the Artificial Intelligence research area this fall, and we want to develop future funds for industrial partnerships, we are well prepared for that.”

The visit program in Weiherhammer was rounded off with a visit to the digitally equipped training workshop of the ÜBZO and the digitization department of BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH.

Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer, Deputy District Administrator Albert Nickl, Dr. Ing. Stephan Oetzinger MdL and State Secretary Roland Weigert MdL (from left) gather information in the digital department of BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH

Image: Sebastian Gmeiner / ÜBZO

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Presseinformation – Besuch Roland Weigert

Pressebild – Besuch Roland Weigert

“DENKWELT Oberpfalz” in Weiden really spectacular

The visions become more concrete. The “Denkwelt Oberpfalz” (DWO) at Halmesricht is already on track. They are directed to the future and spectacular. The lighthouse project of the LUCE Foundation inspires the Weiden councilors.

Click here for the complete article in Onetz

News digitization

Press on digitisation in Bavaria

Oberpfalz: Bavaria invests in digitization

Bavaria invests in digitization. Today, the Council of Ministers has adopted a massive package to implement the €5.5 billion BAYERN DIGITAL II master plan. The Oberpfalz is also expected to benefit from this.

Click here for the full article from OTV

Artificial intelligence in the Oberpfalz

Bavaria invests in the development and improvement of research for artificial intelligence. The Oberpfalz also benefits from this in Weiherhammer

Click here for the complete article in the Onetz

Bavaria becomes leader in artificial intelligence

Bavaria is investing 280 million euros to be one of the world leaders in research for artificial intelligence. For Prime Minister Söder, this is crucial so that Bavaria can remain competitive in the future.

Click here for the full article in the Bayernkurier

1. Digital lighthouse projects in Bavaria

At its meeting in the Technical University of Munich today, the Council of Ministers took far-reaching decisions for all regions of Bavaria on the topic of digitisation on the future.

Click here for the full article in the Bayernkurier